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Pagrindinis puslapis -> Muzika sukurti naują temą
Autorius Pranešimas

Prisijungė: 2005 05 12
Pranešimai: 2299
Miestas: Vilnius

Pranešimas2007.06.18 15:40 
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Naujasis Nick Cave projektas

Grinderman "Man in the Moon"

My daddy was an astronaut
That's what I was often taught
My daddy went away too soon
Now he's living on the moon

Hang on to me people
We're going down
Down among the fishes in an absence of sound
It's the presence of distance and it's floating in time
It's lack and it's longing and it's not very kind
Send it scratching in this rented room
Scratching and atapping to the man in the moon
About all the things that I've been taught
My daddy was an astronaut
Bienvenue en Europe!
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Siųsti el. laišką Apsilankyti vartotojo tinklapyje MSN Messenger
be sijono

Prisijungė: 2007 02 15
Pranešimai: 1365
Miestas: kaimas prie miškų ir geležinkelio ir dar upės

Pranešimas2007.07.14 21:02 
Atsakyti su citata

va šituo linku naudojuosi darbiniais tikslais, gal kas nežinote, gerbiamieji, gal pravers

Čia galima rasti beveik visų užsienio dainų žodžius. Jei pvz. nežinai atlikėjo ir dainos pavadinimo, gali ieškoti maždaug pagal dainos žodžius (tuomet reikia pažymėti "lyrics"). Arba gali tiesiog įvesti atlikėja, ir tau išmeta visus albumus su dainomis
esu maloniai durna kad visiems būtų maloniau šalia protingiems
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą
Nemalonus žmogus

Prisijungė: 2004 08 12
Pranešimai: 2895
Miestas: Vilnius

Pranešimas2007.08.07 21:28 
Atsakyti su citata

David Bowie, pergrota Bruce'o Dickinson'o


Well Billy rapped all night about his suicide
Said he'd kick it in the head when he was 25
Speed jive, don't want to stay alive when you're 25
And Wendy's stealing clothes from marks and sparks
And Freddie's got spots from ripping off the stars from his face
Funky little boat race

The television man is crazy, saying were juvenile delinquent wrecks
Oh man - I need TV? When I got T. Rex?
Oh, brother, you guessed - I'm a dude now

All the young dudes - carry the news
Boogaloo dudes - carry the news
All the young dudes - carry the news
Boogaloo dudes - carry the news

Billy's looking sweet 'cos he dresses like a queen
But he can kick like a mule - it's a real mean team
But we can love, oh yes, we can love
And my father's back at home with his Beatles and his Stones
He never got it off with that revolution stuff
What a drag - too many snags

Well I drunk a lot of wine and Im feeling fine
I gotta raise some cat to bed
Oh, man - is that concrete all around, or is it in my head?
Brother, I'm a dude now...

All the young dudes - carry the news
Boogaloo dudes - carry the news
All the young dudes - carry the news
Boogaloo dudes - carry the news
Kai negeriu, labai daug visko rodosi. O kai išgeriu - rodosi mažiau. Matyt, bijo.
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Siųsti el. laišką

Prisijungė: 2004 08 31
Pranešimai: 2070
Miestas: Vilnius

Pranešimas2007.08.08 10:02 
Atsakyti su citata

Kai Tracid


Now, that I'm here
breaking my relationship with time and space
watching my life through the milky glasses of a window
now it all becomes so clear

If I had the opportunity to smell
the enchanted wind of a spring flower
I would take a deep breathe
to relax

If I had the chance to get the tingling emotion
of warm white sea sand
slipping through my fingers
I would hold on to the feeling

If I could see the pure and carefree smile of a child
as the original nature of honesty
it would be so refreshing
being able to respond

If I could hear the greatest sound
the silence of forest in the early morning
just interrupted and up valued by the lonely call of a bird
I would answer

If I could have my body back
to be reloaded by a sip of crystal clear water
water which is not polluted by chemical industry
I could taste the freshness of the unspoiled nature

Now, that I'm here
breaking my relationship with time and space
watching my life through the clear glasses of a window
I get aware of the small things which are least the greatest

I left my life
my physical form of life behind
I realize my blunted and senseless way of life
I should have lived my life much more conscious
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Siųsti el. laišką

Prisijungė: 2005 01 13
Pranešimai: 1500
Miestas: Pasvalys

Pranešimas2008.01.07 19:34 
Tema: Re: Siela "Rudenio dievas"
Atsakyti su citata

VolkHan rašo:
smagi dainelė apie rudenį:)

Rudenio lietūs išplovė gatves
Išvaikščiojau miglą beieškant tavęs
Diena po dienos naktis po nakties
Su rudenio vėjais paklydo viltis ir t.t.

Viena mėgstamiausių grado dainų. :)
"In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro" Thomas à Kempis
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Apsilankyti vartotojo tinklapyje

Prisijungė: 2005 05 12
Pranešimai: 2299
Miestas: Vilnius

Pranešimas2008.01.08 12:44 
Atsakyti su citata

Brazzaville - Xanax and 3hrs of TV

In this land of plenty
What happened to our dreams
Can’t even find a mangosteen
Can’t find an e.e. cummings
Or a Martin Luther King
Just online porn & SUVs

I don’t care much anymore
The world seems sad and lonely
I lay down on the floor
And try to sleep
And dream about the days
When life was more than
Just a Xanax and 3 hrs of TV

Where are all the grandmas
The Mark Twains & the Beats
What happened to our make believe
The smell of toast on Sundays
Or falling space debris
The freighters slowly cross the sea
Bienvenue en Europe!
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Siųsti el. laišką Apsilankyti vartotojo tinklapyje MSN Messenger
Nemalonus žmogus

Prisijungė: 2004 08 12
Pranešimai: 2895
Miestas: Vilnius

Pranešimas2008.01.09 00:13 
Atsakyti su citata


We were watching TV
In Tiananmen Square
Lost my baby there
My yellow rose
In her bloodstained clothes
She was a short order pastry chef
In a Dim Sum dive on the Yangtze tideway
She had a shiny hair
She was a daughter of an engineer
Won't you shed a tear
For my yellow rose
My yellow rose
In her bloodstained clothes
She had a perfect breasts
She had high hopes
She had almond eyes
She had yellow thighs
She was a student of philosophy
Won't you grieve with me
For my yellow rose
Shed a tear
For her bloodstained clothes
She had shiny hair
She had perfect breasts
She had almond eyes
She had yellow thighs
She was a daughter af an engineer
So get out your pistols
Get out your stones
Get out your knives
Cut them to the bone
They are the lackeys of the grocer's machine
They built the dark satanic mills
That manufacture hell on earth
They bought the front row seats on Calvary
They are irrelevant to me
And I grieve for my sister
People of China
Do not forget do not forget
The children who died for you
Long live the Republic
Did we do anything after this
I've feeling we did
We were watching TV
Watching TV
We were watching TV
Watching TV
She wore a white bandanna that said
Freedom now
She thought the Great Wall of China
Would come tumbling down
She was a student
Her father was an engineer
Won't you shed a tear
For my yellow rose
My yellow rose
In her bloodstained clothes
Her grandpa fought old Chiang Kai-shek
That no-good low-down dirty rat
Who used to order his troops
To fire on women and children
Imagine that imagine that
And in the spring of'48
Mao Tse-tung got quite irate
And he kicked that old dictator Chiang
Out of the state of China
Chiang Kai-shek came down in Formosa
And they armed the island of Quemoy
And the shells were flying across the China Sea
And they turned Formosa into a shoe factory
Called Taiwan
And she is different from Cro-Magnon man
She's different from Anne Boleyn
She is different from the Rosenbergs
And from the unknown Jew
She is different from the unknown Nicaraguan
Half superstar half victim
She's a victor star conceptually new
And she is different from the Dodo
And from the Kankabono
She is different from the Aztec
And from the Cherokee
She's everybody's sister
She's a symbolic of our failure
She's the one in fifty million
Who can help us to be free
Because she died on TV
And I grieve for my sister
Kai negeriu, labai daug visko rodosi. O kai išgeriu - rodosi mažiau. Matyt, bijo.
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Siųsti el. laišką
miglų upės irklininkas

Prisijungė: 2004 06 22
Pranešimai: 2053
Miestas: 9789 km nuo Lhasos

Pranešimas2008.01.13 18:43 
Atsakyti su citata

Uzejo noras issiaiskint, kas suokia ta grazia daina Samsung reklamoje. Ir stai, prasom - "Put the stars / In our eyes / And with heart-shaped bruises / And late-night kisses / Divine"

-The Maccabees, "Toothpaste Kisses"

Siunciuosi albuma paklausyt kas ten kaip.
agrarinės genų technologijos Trojos arklys
jau turi du blogus: http://www.myspace.com/kilimandzaras
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Siųsti el. laišką

Prisijungė: 2005 05 12
Pranešimai: 2299
Miestas: Vilnius

Pranešimas2008.01.23 15:20 
Atsakyti su citata

Alina Orlova "Paskutinio mamuto daina"

Aš paskutinis mamutas šioj įšalo žemėj
Mano iltys per trumpos, o akys per senos
Archeologai sapnuoja tamsiom naktim mane
Jų šunys loja ir urzgia, man amžina nemiga

Aš pamiršau, kaip kalbėti mamutų maldas
Ir nėra nieko, kas galėtų priminti man jas
Nes mano brolių skeletai muziejuose dulka
Aš norėčiau numirti, bet mano šonai nepraleidžia kulkų

Aš paskutinis mamutas, taip ilgai juo buvau
Ir vienas dievas težino, kaip aš pavargau
Aš pavargau, aš pavargau, aš pavargau
Aš pavargau, aš pavargau, aš pavargau

Aš paskutinis mamutas šioj įšalo žemėj
Mano iltys per trumpos, o akys per senos
Bienvenue en Europe!
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Siųsti el. laišką Apsilankyti vartotojo tinklapyje MSN Messenger

Prisijungė: 2005 09 29
Pranešimai: 2258
Miestas: Vilnius

Pranešimas2008.01.28 18:41 
Atsakyti su citata

Deep Dish - No Stopping For Nicotine

No stopping for nicotine
No stopping
No stopping for what you are
No stopping for Benzedrine
No stopping
No stopping for rock 'n roll stars

Seven minutes to rendezvous
I'm committed to what you need
I kind of what to hold on to you
I want to be your best disease

I want to take apart what you want
I want to take you down memory lane
I want to go behind a restaurant
I want to be what you never became

No stopping for nicotine
No stopping
No stopping for what you are
No stopping for Benzedrine
No stopping
No stopping for rock 'n roll stars

I'm gonna win it
I let you down
I want to take a drink from your glass
I'm so down in it
I'm underground
I can't forget about touching your ass

No stopping for nicotine
No stopping
No stopping for what you are
No stopping for Benzedrine
No stopping
No stopping for rock 'n roll stars

Now I'm in it to be like you
I want to take you down memory lane
I'm gonna win it
It's up to you
I want to be what you never became

No stopping for nicotine
No stopping
No stopping for what you are
No stopping for Benzedrine
No stopping
No stopping for rock 'n roll stars
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą
miglų upės irklininkas

Prisijungė: 2004 06 22
Pranešimai: 2053
Miestas: 9789 km nuo Lhasos

Pranešimas2008.01.30 18:18 
Atsakyti su citata

Maciau kazkas kitoje temoje prakalbo apie Amzinaji Toma, taigi:

She sends me blue valentines
All the way from philadelphia
To mark the anniversary
Of someone that I used to be
And it feels just like theres
A warrant out for my arrest
Got me checkin in my rearview mirror
And Im always on the run
Thats why I changed my name
And I didnt think youd ever find me here

To send me blue valentines
Like half forgotten dreams
Like a pebble in my shoe
As I walk these streets
And the ghost of your memory
Is the thistle in the kiss
And the burgler that can break a roses neck
Its the tatooed broken promise
That I hide beneath my sleeve
And I see you every time I turn my back

She sends me blue valentines
Though I try to remain at large
Theyre insisting that our love
Must have a eulogy
Why do I save all of this madness
In the nightstand drawer
There to haunt upon my shoulders
Baby I know
Id be luckier to walk around everywhere I go
With a blind and broken heart
That sleeps beneath my lapel

She sends me my blue valentines
To remind me of my cardinal sin
I can never wash the guilt
Or get these bloodstains off my hands
And it takes a lot of whiskey
To take this nightmares go away
And I cut my bleedin heart out every nite
And I die a little more on each st. valentines day
Remember that I promised I would
Write you...
These blue valentines
Blue valentines
Blue valentines
agrarinės genų technologijos Trojos arklys
jau turi du blogus: http://www.myspace.com/kilimandzaras
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Siųsti el. laišką

Prisijungė: 2007 12 05
Pranešimai: 147

Pranešimas2008.02.03 15:40 
Atsakyti su citata

dumai ant vandens, ir ugnis danguje
dumai ant vandens.

they burned down the gambling house...

nekenciu dainu tekstu su vietovardziais. :/
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą

Prisijungė: 2005 09 29
Pranešimai: 2258
Miestas: Vilnius

Pranešimas2008.02.22 10:34 
Atsakyti su citata

Iš pasisėdėjimų virtuvėse vėlyvoje paauglystėje :

"Профессор Лебединский - Я убью тебя, лодочник"

Дремлет притихший северный город
Большая граната и я еще молод
Плыву через реку, дозорный не спит
А слева уключина громко скрипит
И тогда я схватил мужика за грудки и тихонько сказал :

Я убью тебя лодочник, я убью тебя лодочник,
Я убью тебя лодочник, я убью тебя лодочник.

Что ж ты не смазал уключину маслом
А он все скрипел и вот так улыбался
Вижу, дозорный нас с вышки засек,
Выслали катер и я тему просек
И тогда я схватил мужика за грудки и закричал :

Я убью тебя лодочник, я убью тебя лодочник,
Я убью тебя лодочник, я убью тебя лодочник.

Синее небо над головой
Гранату отняли, вернули домой
И все же я видел, как один генерал
Проклятому гаду семь рубликов дал
И тогда я ему вслед заорал :

Я убью тебя лодочник, я убью тебя лодочник,
Я убью тебя лодочник, я убью тебя лодочник.

Выйду на Невский, взгляну на Аврору
И вспоминаю ту давнюю пору,
Когда еще молод, с гранатой в руке
В предательской лодке плыву по реке
И тогда я по привычке кричу :

Я убью тебя лодочник, я убью тебя лодочник,
Я убью тебя лодочник, я убью тебя лодочник.
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą
miglų upės irklininkas

Prisijungė: 2004 06 22
Pranešimai: 2053
Miestas: 9789 km nuo Lhasos

Pranešimas2008.02.22 11:51 
Atsakyti su citata

A zinot - Letovas numiro is Grazhdanskaja Oborona. Gizmo tekstas pasirode toks panasus i GrOb.

Fm D# G# :|
Fm C#
Я люблю голубые ладони
D# G#
И железный занавес на красном фоне,
Сырые губы под вороньём
И тела, изъеденные червём.
Я люблю глухое эхо
И гнилую жижу в моей голове,
Родную плесень икоты, бля бу,
Я - некрофил, я люблю себя.

Рождённому мёртвым
C# D#
Пришейте пуговицы вместо глаз.
G# D#
Некрофилия, некрофилия,
C# D#
Моя изнурённая некрофилия.

Я люблю умирать напоказ
Погружаясь по горло в любую грязь.
Я люблю путёвый оргазм
И распухший от кала свой унитаз.

А рано утром
Я встану в очередь в Мавзолей.
Некрофилия, некрофилия,
Моя изнуренная некрофилия.
agrarinės genų technologijos Trojos arklys
jau turi du blogus: http://www.myspace.com/kilimandzaras
Atgal į viršų
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Siųsti el. laišką

Prisijungė: 2007 12 05
Pranešimai: 147

Pranešimas2008.03.14 21:11 
Atsakyti su citata

wrapped in plastic (marilyn manson)

guilt is a snake we beat with a rake
to grow in our kitchen in the pies we bake
feed it to us to squirm in our bellies
twisting our guts make ourspines to jelly
stay, don't want to go now
drove the children from their chores
handcrafted housewives into whores
fear of the beast is calling it near
creating what we're hating, it's only fear that is here
stay, dont want to go now
come into our home, won't you stay?
i know the stake is cold, but it's wrapped in plastic
come into our home, won't you stay?
i know the stake is cold, but it's wrapped in plastic
i'm only as deep as the self that i dig
i'm only as sick as the stick in the pig
thin and so white, thin and so white
daddy tells the doughter
while mommy's sleeping at night
to wash away sin you must take off your skin
the righteous father wears the yellowest grin
don't wanna go now
stay, don't wanna go now, stay, don't wanna go now
come into our home, won't you stay?
i know the stake is cold but it's wrapped in plastic
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